3 Key SEO Ranking Benefits of Having A Dedicated Microsite

Published in
4 min readFeb 6, 2023


Using targeted content, microsites can assist businesses in improving their SEO Ranking for specific keywords. Read on to learn more about the benefits.

The incremental pace of digital transformation has made businesses more competitive than ever. Consumers can now locate a company to fulfil their product or service demands with a few Google searches and find several hyperlocal choices at their fingertips. This offers marketers a huge opportunity and an enormous responsibility to promote their brands and show how they differentiate themselves from their competitors.

Microsites are one marketing technique that professionals can use to differentiate a brand from the competition. Effective Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is the first step to enhancing your brand’s ranks in Search Engine Results Page (SERP) and having a top-notch company website.

However, this is needed. Let us elaborate in this blog post on why a business needs to consider appropriate microsite SEO ranking strategies to move up on the Google results page.

What Is a Microsite?

Microsites are smaller websites that promote a business’s products and services. They have different content than the main website and add value by covering various topics relating to the products in greater detail. It is feasible to obtain one of the top SERP ranks utilising the proper microsite strategy and approach.

A microsite exists to increase the website’s SEO ranking value, serve as the landing page for advertisements, and draw traffic from different sources that wouldn’t typically go to a website. The microsite advertises for the business and funnels traffic to the main blog while standing distinct from the primary website.

Visitors can find microsites through social media, referral links, and organic searches, including a logo and internal links to the parent website.

How Do Microsites Influence SEO Ranking?

Well-crafted Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) strategies are crucial components of a comprehensive marketing strategy since search engines still control most online user behaviour.

Besides that, microsites can complement SEO efforts in several ways, some of which are discussed below:

● Effect on hyperlocal discovery

Many high-quality microsites are hosted and can be easily found across the web. Generally, blogs dedicated to marketing and advertising, gaming sites, and even local bloggers often discover the microsites and feature the resources in their respective domains. This results in an improved SEO ranking of the brand’s website.

● Impact on Link Building

A successful link-building strategy featuring links back to the microsites from trusted blogs and websites is a big boost for a business’ search engine marketing (SEM) efforts. It enhances the SEO ranking, allowing businesses to anticipate significant, quantifiable benefits, primarily if the microsite is hosted under its URL.

To this day, external links are regarded as a vital factor in a site’s SEO ranking. The more people share the links to the microsite, the more credibility it will garner. This can improve a website’s SEO ranking on specific, targeted keywords.

● Role of Targeted Keywords

Beyond the advantages of having a website, some businesses might create a microsite centered on one or two high-value keywords. By creating a site specifically for these keywords, the business can boost its SEO ranking by positioning its website higher than its rivals.

3 Key Benefits of Microsites in SEO ranking

Businesses benefit significantly from microsites since they are relieved of having to add a lengthy list of requirements to their main website to rank better.

The following are the benefits of microsites:

1. New Product Launch

When a new product is ready to be released, numerous marketing campaigns are run to kindle the interest and curiosity of potential customers. These include email and social media campaigns, print media promotions, promotions at exhibitions, and more.

These campaigns’ target audiences, who are curious to learn more about the product, can be directed to a microsite that contains all the necessary details. The microsite could nudge the prospect towards confirming the purchase by offering detailed and engaging multimedia content.

Additionally, because the microsite is entirely branded with the product’s features, it will improve audience recall of the product.

2. Target Lead Generation

Microsites allow you to target users and improve hyperlocal discovery specifically. These can capture leads with a higher purchase intent who have already expressed an interest in the product or service.

Furthermore, microsites can help find users with a hyperlocal marketing strategy if the business is spread across different geographical locations.

3. Differentiating oneself from the corporate brand

Many brands’ websites don’t match the style and feel of their parent companies. Such brands require their own microsites that highlight their distinctive values and characteristics. Microsites offer the ability to create an experience customised for a specific brand. A brand’s microsite’s UI and UX can be created based on how consumers perceive the brand.


As of now, marketing plans rely heavily on your SEO tactics. You need a user-friendly website and content optimised for search if you want to score highly on Google searches. Your SEO efforts can benefit significantly from exemplary microsites, which often receive more web shares. The business can significantly boost its SEO ranking and outperform its competitors by adding highly targeted keywords and building a backlink to your primary site.

ProManage is a tool that helps businesses improve their hyperlocal discovery, reachability, and credibility by helping to strategically optimise their GMB profile organically. ProManage’s microsite management can help a business to boost its SEO ranking.

For more information, request a demo now!

